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Shalom! This is my commentary on the portion Miketz – “at the end.” For years, this portion has fascinated me, not only for the fascinating story but, for the prophetic elements. Understanding that we interpret the end from “the beginning” (Isa. 46:8-10), that a torah portion is called “at the end” should grab our attention. Hope you enjoy.
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Really love these commentaries on the Torah.
Brian; So glad that you are enjoying them. Blessings.
I’m so thankful that Abba YHVH let me find your teachings. There is so much depth, meaning,and purpose in Scripture and you are helping me to learn. Thank you Bill for all your hard work.
Thanks for taking the time to let us know that you’re blessed by these teachings. Shalom
Love all your teachings
Great Teaching Bill. Praying for you and your family.