Shalom everyone. This is our commentary on the concluding Torah portion of B’midbar, Massei – “journeys.” This portion gives an overview of Israel’s journeys through the wilderness, from the departure from Egypt until the encampment on the plains of Moav. Also included are instructions to Israel to drive out all the inhabitants of Canaan; the reason being similar to that of why Israel was told to destroy the Midianites. Israel cannot coexist with the corrupting influence of the nations or that influence will ultimately destroy Israel. Much more!
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The Torah listening commentaries are not working……the arrow just keeps spinning.
My apologies. My family has been on vacation this past week and I was unable to check in. Looking into the problem now. Bill
Pastor Cloud, I was very encouraged by your point in chapter 36 about, ” conforming to your own tribe, and cleaving to your own inheritance.” It’s been a confusing journey for me since being apart of the Messianic movement as a gentile and then finding out from a DNA test I’m jewish. You took so much pressure off of me trying to learn all these new traditions and feasts. It’s about the process of God teaching me and giving me a hunger for Him and His Word. Wow! This is so refreshing! Thank you!