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Shalom! This is our commentary on the portion Ki tavo – “when you come (into the land).” In this torah portion, the most prominent feature is the “blessings and curses” presented to Israel as a result of obedience or disobedience. Yet, there are other pretty interesting components in this portion. One of them is a possible allusion to the coming anti-Messiah. Where, you say, is that found? You’ll have to listen to the audio. Blessings and hoping you enjoy the teaching.
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I’ve been watching your teaching on Acts, the new HRN series. I sit under teachers that seem to be so focus on figuring out when Yeshua is returning, that they have warned of the days He was returning that have spread over the last few years. I.e. September 27th last year. This frustrates me, because I don’t believe this is what we should focus on. Each Shabbat we are warned of current events that mark His return. I feel like I’m more lost then I was at times and I don’t know what to do! Any words of wisdom?
Sorry that you’re so frustrated and, honestly, I share that frustration some time. It is our tendency to major in the minors and focus on things that can be distracting. I try to stay focused on the core issues, by that I mean, I try to focus on how He wants me to live my life today. If we get too focused on what MIGHT happen tomorrow, we might miss out on what He wanted us to do today. Stay out of the weeds and stay in the Word — let Him speak to you and lead you to study those things that He wants to speak into your life. Blessings and shalom.
Thank you for your word that you bring for these Torah portions.
Prayers for you, your family and JT.