This is a commentary on the Torah portion Acharei Mot – “After the death.” This portion begins what is regarded as lev ha’torah (the heart of the Torah) and emphasizes how the Creator is to be approached and uses the death of Aaron’s sons to make the point that it must not be done “at all times.”
The first section details the protocol and procedures of Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement. In this we see shades of Y’shua’s sacrifice as our heavenly High Priest as well as accentuating the fact that our Father is holy and, as his priests, we are not to disregard that holiness.
The sidrah also addresses the pollution of idols, the sanctity of blood and forbidden relationships – all principles addressed in the letter sent from Jerusalem to the new believers in Acts 15. Hope you enjoy.
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Where are all the Torah Portions Archived for retrieval, viewing & listening to? ( need to be pretty specific & help me walk thru the “go here, now there & over here & voila you’ve arrived!” ) I am on a slightly different reading schedule & would like to hear & see Bill’s commentary on the one I am on at the time as well as have access to all his Torah Portion commentaries. Today May 4, I am on Emor Leviticus 21: 1 – 24:23. Blessings. P.S. I thoroughly enjoy the Cloud Family Shabbats, On This Day, all of Bill’s teachings & especially God’s Views on Political News — a thank you to Susan K. also.
Linda. Unfortunately, the only Portions that are currently archived are the ones we’ve released as Podcasts and that’s according to the traditional Torah cycle. When we changed to the new website format, we decided to release them as podcasts. I will have to check with the admin and see if or what can be done to accommodate you. Thanks for watching our LiveStream – we do hope that it is a blessing to others. Shalom.