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Today’s Topics: 1) #HurricaneDorian2019 2) #SecondAmendment #2A under attack again 3) #Israel 4) What #IlhanOmar wants concerning #BorderWall and #Democrats New Plan
Today’s Topics: 1) #HurricaneDorian2019 2) #SecondAmendment #2A under attack again 3) #Israel 4) What #IlhanOmar wants concerning #BorderWall and #Democrats New Plan
It is Friday at 6 pm and listening to your broadcast with Susan regarding Dorian….unfortunately…it is going to hit us in Halifax/Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada…landfall is a little less than a mile from my home and can see the spot of land fall from my balcony… should be hitting in the next few hours… sadly… praying it will just go out into the Atlantic and dissipate but so far that is not happening…lots of warnings to us here and things closing up….hope our power doesn’t go out but they are warning us that is probably going to happen….thank goodness your programs are on you tube and at your web site… if I can not join you tomorrow…God YAH willing – I’ll catch ya later!
Judi; Sorry to hear that Dorian has interrupted your life in this way. Hopefully, things won’t be too bad. Make sure to give us an update on your welfare. Shalom.
Enjoyed the program.
1. Guns are not the problem… it is a matter of the heart . The midland/odessa shooting – I can say that my husband saw vehicles on the interstate with bullet holes.
2. As a pharmacist, there are some drugs on the market that do increase the risk of suicide. There is also a group of drugs (anti-psychotic’s) the side effects would terrify you.
3. The Bahamas- I have been so concerned for their safety. On vacation there one year a sudden rainstorm occurred. It lasted about 20 minutes. The majority of the roads were flooded.
Last, I learned more of what is going on in this world . In listening to any news event mentioned- no unkind word was said, you stuck to the facts and showed your source, etc.. Then it was tied into scripture. Thanks!
Lauri; Thanks for the input; it is appreciated. Shalom.