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Today’s Topics: 1) DOJ William Barr has appointed US Atty John Durham and what it means 2) U.S. and Iran relations heating up, what it means and where we’re going 3) Rashida Tlaib’s comment about the Holocaust and her attempt to rewrite history
im having a terrible time getting this political news. i do not do facebook and in the past i could just get this information now its become very far off type of computer stuff
Sorry about that. Times are changing and not always for the better. Blessings.
I only get audio on May 14 GVPN. Is Livestream Video with audio available here? Also, when does the latest Gods Views, Political News get posted here? Appreciate your all your work & responsiveness. I look forward to Tuesdays at Noon CDT with Bill & Susan. You make my day. Blessings.
Linda; If you look below the audio player you will see a link that takes you the FB page so that you can view the episode.
Passing it along as an FYI & hopefully helpful … could be my MacBook, could be in your system, could be Facebook …??? But, I could not get volume & continuous play for Tues, 21 GVPN Live on FB when expanding to the larger screen. Thankful you’re here & there … hopefully, more believers will be everywhere!
That is way out of my league. I’ll pass this on to Brandon. Thanks for letting us know.