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25 Elul — Answer The Call: Be Light!

25 Elul — Answer The Call: Be Light!

Judaism believes it was on this day, the 25th of Elul, that Creation began. This belief is based on another tradition which assigns the day that Adam was created on as the first day of Tishri, also known as Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets). The Bible tells us that...
25 Elul — Answer The Call: Be Light!

24 Elul — Keep Working!

It was on this day, in 520 B.C., that Zerubbabel and the people of Judea began to clear the Temple site in preparation of construction of the Second Temple. We can read about this in the book of Haggai: “So the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of...
25 Elul — Answer The Call: Be Light!

23 Elul — Were It Not For

There’s an old saying, attributed to George Santayana, that says: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” During the month of Elul we are reminded of this truth, because the month of Elul is the time of year that we are called upon to...
25 Elul — Answer The Call: Be Light!

22 Elul — I Am My Beloved’s

The month of Elul is a time when we are to be looking inwardly, examining our hearts with the intent to weed out those things that are unfruitful and not conducive to life. We are provoked to do this, especially at this time, because we are approaching the time of the...
25 Elul — Answer The Call: Be Light!

21 Elul — There Are None Righteous

In the book of Deuteronomy, God told His people that if they were faithful to Him, many blessings would come their way. That promise was juxtaposed against the many curses that would come upon them if they walked in disobedience and broke the covenant. Reading all of...
25 Elul — Answer The Call: Be Light!

20 Elul — Why Do The Wicked Prosper?

Have you ever wondered why it seems that God’s people struggle and the wicked prosper? Why does it seem that when good people, trying to live right, have to contend with every difficulty that life has to throw at them? At the same time, there are those whose lifestyle...

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