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16 Aviv — A Mighty Man of Valor

16 Aviv — A Mighty Man of Valor

According to tradition, it was on this day that the angel of the Lord commanded Gideon to attack the Midianites as recorded in the book of Judges. Now the Angel of the Lord came and sat under the terebinth tree which was in Ophrah,...
16 Aviv — A Mighty Man of Valor

15 Aviv — Purge Out the Old Leaven

Today is the 15th day of Aviv and the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matzah). According to the Bible and tradition, there are many very important events that took place on this day. For instance, tradition believes that it was on this day that God made...
16 Aviv — A Mighty Man of Valor

14 Aviv — Behold The Lamb!

Today is the fourteenth day of Aviv, the preparation day for the Passover and it was on this day that two prominent events with similar themes are believed to have happened. First, it’s believed to be the day that Cain and Abel brought their sacrificial gifts as...

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