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10 Av — The Sons of Issachar

10 Av — The Sons of Issachar

According to tradition, it was on this day that the son of Jacob, Issachar, was born. One of the most notable verses about Issachar and the sons of Issachar is found in 1 Chronicles 12: “And of the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the...
10 Av — The Sons of Issachar

9 Av — We Are Well Able

It was on this day that the scouts returned with their evil report. Ten of twelve notable men were convinced that the conquest of Canaan was impossible; only Joshua and Caleb were ready to go into the land. Upon hearing the report, the Exodus generation, responded...
10 Av — The Sons of Issachar

8 Av — Brother Against Brother

It was on this day in the year 66 that civil war broke out in Jerusalem between activists and the so-called “Peace Party” – those who wanted to sue for peace with the Romans – demonstrating that, when judgment comes, it isn’t necessarily administered by an...

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