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29 Av — Moses and the Messiah

29 Av — Moses and the Messiah

Jewish tradition believes it was on this day that Moses was instructed to hew two stones for the tablets of the law. The first set of tablets, hewn by the finger of God, were broken as a consequence of the Golden Calf incident. Later, Moses was instructed to hew two...
29 Av — Moses and the Messiah

28 Av — The Prayer of the Righteous

Jewish tradition believes that, on this day, Moses returned from his second ascent to the top of Mt. Sinai. On this trip to the top of the mountain he learned that God was not going with the people, but was sending an angel before them. That was much better than what...
29 Av — Moses and the Messiah

27 Av — Calling Fire Down On Our Brethren

It was on this day, in 1868, that members of the KKK lynched Mr. S. A. Bierfield in Franklin, Tennessee. Allegedly, this was the first time the Klan had killed someone who was Jewish, although it was not the first time they had murdered someone.  In today’s world, the...
29 Av — Moses and the Messiah

26 Av — O Jerusalem!

It was on this day, in 1920, that the Turkish government renounced all sovereignty over the Holy Land and officially recognized the British Mandate over the Holy Land. Before this, in 1917, British General Allenby walked into the city of Jerusalem through the Jaffa...
29 Av — Moses and the Messiah

25 Av — My Hiding Place

It was on this day, in 1944, that the Amsterdam hideout of Anne Frank and her family was discovered by the Nazis. The Franks and other families had managed to live in very tight quarters, having to be extremely quiet and very particular about how they conducted their...

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