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11 Tammuz — Speak Their Language

11 Tammuz — Speak Their Language

Have you ever been around somebody who was having a conversation in a language you didn’t understand? As they talked, laughed and enjoyed one another’s company, did it make you feel uncomfortable? Did you wish you could understand what they were saying,...
11 Tammuz — Speak Their Language

8 Tammuz — The Modern Inquisition

It was on this day in 1834 that Queen Maria Christina of Spain, once and for all, abolished the Spanish Inquisition. The Inquisition is a dark stain on European history. Thousands of Jews and others, as well, were forced to convert to Catholicism or be burned at the...
11 Tammuz — Speak Their Language

7 Tammuz — We Are Here To Be A Voice

It was on this day in 1938 that President Franklin D. Roosevelt called for an international conference at Evian, France, for the purpose of considering what to do with “displaced persons,” meaning Jews. The negligible results at this particular conference accentuated...

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