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4 Elul — Holding Onto Hope

4 Elul — Holding Onto Hope

It was on this day, in 1907, that the Zionist Congress adopted the song, HaTikvah or “The Hope” as the official Zionist anthem. Today, this song is the national anthem of the state of Israel. As a nation, Israel has been well acquainted with the concept of hope....
4 Elul — Holding Onto Hope

2 Elul — My Commentary On Commentaries

It was on this day, in 1553, that Pope Julius III ordered the confiscation and destruction of the Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds. Pope Julius felt these works contained derogatory and anti-Christian remarks and should be destroyed. On the other hand, Judaism takes...
4 Elul — Holding Onto Hope

30 Av — Don’t Settle For Less

It was on this day, in 1943 that, the sixth Zionist Congress convened in Basel, Switzerland. This would be the last Congress presided over by Theodore Herzl, the father of modern Zionism. During this particular Congress, split among delegates developed over a British...

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