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If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3)

In the midst of his complaint about the wicked and their constant aggression toward the righteous, David asks the question above — “What will the righteous do if the foundations are destroyed?” Apparently, he was concerned that if evil men were allowed to continue prospering in their wicked pursuits, the foundation upon which Godly order rested — things like truth, righteousness, law and justice — would be threatened. If these foundational precepts were undermined, God forbid, what would become of the people who sought to abide by God’s laws?

Of course, this is only hypothetical because we know that God would never allow man to unseat Him from His Throne. I say that because, as the psalmist said, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne” (Psalm 97:2). In short, David is contemplating a world in which God is cast aside, which would mean His authority and sovereignty has been usurped by the whims of wicked men. Again, we understand that this could and would never happen — God is still on His Throne — but in asking the question, David is accentuating the fact that, were it not for the Almighty’s Presence and purpose, this world would disintegrate into utter chaos. If that were to happen, the righteous would be the first to feel the effects of unfettered wickedness.

Thankfully, not only is God still on His Throne but He also intends that wickedness be eradicated from the earth. That is not to provoke gleeful feelings about the destruction of the wicked people, but to shine a light on our purpose in this world. We are called to be His representatives in the earth and, being empowered by His Spirit, to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations. In so doing, it is understood that we will encounter — and should overcome — the powers of darkness.

In other words, we are here to fight for the Kingdom of God against the kingdom of darkness, and in the process, take ground from the Adversary. Furthermore, we are to take this fight to the very gates of hell. Messiah said that, even then, the Adversary will not be able to prevail against us and here’s why — because we have been established upon a sure and eternal foundation, the Messiah. So what are the righteous to do? We are to continue standing on the Rock of our salvation and uphold His banner for all the world to see.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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