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The nations have sunk down in the pit which they made; in the net which they hid, their own foot is caught. (Psalm 9:15)

In days of old, hunters used different methods to secure a kill; in addition to spear and arrow, they would often dig pits in which to ensnare their unwitting victim. The prey would fall into the camouflaged pit and be severely injured, thus making it easier for the hunter to finish the job. In fact, the Hebrew word translated as pit also means “destruction,” and by implication, “the grave.” In essence, the pit was dug in order to serve as a grave. David used this concept to describe the actions of wicked men who sought to destroy others, and in this case, referring to himself as the intended victim. However, David was confident that they were simply digging their own grave and the means of their own destruction.

Jewish commentators believe that “the pit” is just one of the names given to Gehinnom or Hades, obviously connecting the place of punishment with going down into the grave. But in addition to that, Jewish commentators also make this assertion — in digging their own pit, the wicked are responsible for expanding the size of Gehinnom. One parable suggests that as wicked men multiply, so do their schemes and sins. With each sin committed, they dig the pit a bit deeper and, as was their intention for others, they will not escape once they go down into the pit. Thus it is written: “Sheol (Hell) has enlarged itself and opened its mouth beyond measure” (Isaiah 5:14).

It may not be that sinful men are literally digging out the pit into which the condemned will go, but it does strike me that, in the end, anyone who ends up in Hades has only themselves to blame. God doesn’t send anyone to hell; those in hell made that choice on their own. As it is written, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live” (Ezekiel 33:11). So in contrast to an eternity spent in torment is the one that could be spent in the Presence of the Almighty — the destiny appointed to all who turn to the God of Israel through His Son, the Messiah.

We have the promise that the pit of death will not be able to hold us forever, for in Him, we have obtained eternal life. Though others may choose the path that leads ultimately to destruction, let us be committed to the narrow path, knowing that it will render blessing and life eternal. 

Blessings and Shalom,  




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