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Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger. (Psalm 8:2)

Throughout history, the wicked of this world have demonstrated their displeasure at the overwhelming evidence of God in the Universe. For millennia so called scholars, scientists and wise men have tried desperately to banish the Almighty from all aspects of everyday life, and still do. It is baffling to think that so many who observe the miracles and mysteries of Creation could become scoffers, evolutionists and atheists. It amazes me that so many people are quick to accept the counsel and conclusions of these fallible men and, at the same time, deny the evidence of God all around us. To those who have eyes to see, every blade of grass and every gentle breeze bears witness that the world we live in was created by the Almighty.

This sentiment is at the very heart of David’s words. As he considers the excellency of God’s name in the earth, he declares that even the smallest and most helpless among us declare that He is the Origin and Master of all things. When a baby enters the world, immediately God’s design and brilliance is made evident: e.g. the child instinctively knows to suckle and, in response, the mother is able to nourish the infant with milk that is regulated according to the needs of the child. Even in something as elementary as this, the magnificence and strength of the Almighty is made evident, thus David says that, “You have ordained strength.”

From this earliest stage of life, we have a basis upon which to build a lifetime of recognizing that God has already provided for what we need, not to mention, to establish in our hearts and minds that He is most definitely in control of His Creation. If He can provide for the helpless infant, leaving nothing to chance, He can provide for us throughout our lives. Despite the best efforts of prideful men, His Name and authority will forever be established in His Creation by what He has created — even the tiniest. When the newborn comes into the world and utters their first cry, it is a proclamation — God Almighty reigns! Therefore, let all men humble themselves before Him and be silent in the face of His might and strength.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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