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Lord, do not rebuke me in Your anger, nor chasten me in Your hot displeasure. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. (Psalm 6:1-2)

In the previous devotion, we raised the issue of why one beloved of the LORD, such as David, would pray, “Do not rebuke me in Your anger, nor chasten me in Your hot displeasure”? Again, the Bible is clear that the LORD rebukes those He loves as a man corrects his son (Deuteronomy 8:5). As we shared, it is believed that David was quite willing to accept God’s reproof but prayed that God would dispense it in a way that could be endured — i.e. not while God’s anger was enflamed. The inference, borne out by the prophet Jeremiah (10:24), is that one could not endure God’s rage. Still, because He is just and no respecter of persons, He must administer the correction.

To this point, rabbinical writers offer a parable that helps us to understand the heart of God and, frankly, the essence of David’s prayer. The situation is likened to a king who was angered by his son, and in his rage, decreed that he would throw a huge boulder at his head. Later, he reconsidered this decree because, were it carried out as he had intended, his son would perish and he would be left without an heir to carry on in his stead. However, he could not ignore the royal decree — so what was he to do? According to the parable, he had the boulder smashed into many tiny pebbles and then threw them at his son one at a time. His decree was fulfilled in a way that could be endured, and at the same time, his son was given a painful reminder of his father’s displeasure.

It is unfortunately true that correction and rebuke is painful. However, how much more painful is the consequence of continuing in a way that brings death and destruction? That is the end our Heavenly Father wishes for us to avoid, and so, He will indeed chasten those that He loves — one stinging pebble at a time until all that is necessary is accomplished. May we always receive His reproof as from a loving Father who is caring for His beloved children.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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