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He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure. (Psalm 2:4-5)

In contrast to the kings of the earth who “set themselves” (or stand if you will), against the Almighty and His Anointed, the Creator of all things “sits” and observes all of this from above. Not only does He observe their futile plots and schemes but, according to the Psalmist, He is amused by it all to the point that He laughs at their empty threats against Him and His purposes. How could those who are below ever hope to overcome the One who is above all things? People tried it once before when they came together to build a tower that would reach to heaven. In the end, God had only to come down and confound their languages, consequently, confounding their plans.

In any contest, the one who is above has the advantage over the one who is below or underneath. How much more so if the One who is above is the Almighty God and the one below is merely animated dust that exists for a season? It is laughable to think that the latter would attempt to stand against The One who is seated in the Heaven, which is to say, the One who is established — i.e. He is not going anywhere. To ignore His laws or to ignore His existence doesn’t change a thing in terms of undermining His will. According to the Scripture, He mocks such attempts and then allows the perpetrators of rebellion to experience His wrath.

What does this say to us? From my point of view, it means that we can take comfort in that, whatever the enemy throws against us, God is well aware of it. Moreover, rather than being discomfited by it all, He laughs; He mocks those who would think they could destroy His people and His plan for them. That is not to say that we won’t have to contend with their darts and arrows, but it is to say that, in the appropriate season and in the appropriate manner, He will speak and our enemies — who are in reality His enemies — will be confounded by the heat of His wrath. In that day, His servants will be vindicated and His Will shall compel those underneath to bow to the One above.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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