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As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings, so the Lord alone led him. (Deuteronomy 32:11-12)

In this song, God likened Israel to an abandoned child that He found in the desert. Upon seeing them, He encircled them and considered them to be “the apple of His eye,” or in other words, His very life. Being that they were so young and weak, He delivered them from their distress and carried them into wilderness of Sinai. In that regard, God likened Himself to an eagle that watches over its young, protecting them from those who would harm them, and when necessary, taking the young upon its’ wings to carry them to safety. Thus it is written, “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself” (Exodus 19:4).

In so doing, He teaches His people how to fly. Where nature’s eagles are concerned, the mother will watch over her young, feeding and sheltering them until it is time for them to leave the nest. When that time comes, she strikes branches and stirs the young to the point that the nest becomes uncomfortable. She will then entice her young to imitate her as she flutters her wings, and should they behave too timidly or appear too weak, she will take her young upon her wings and carry them until they learn to fly on their own.

When it was time for Israel to leave Egypt, God did indeed make life there uncomfortable for them. Theoretically, had He not done this, they would have stayed in Egypt until they completely lost their identity which is why He encircled them and then took them upon His wings to deliver them from their bondage. He took them to Sinai to learn of His ways, to imitate Him as it were, and to emulate His character. In a manner of speaking, it was at Sinai that He was teaching them how to fly with the objective of being His witnesses to all the earth.

All of this is to say that the nations should not think that God’s people are helpless and abandoned because we are, at times, weakened. As He has declared, we are the apple of His eye meaning that our God watches over us. When necessary, He intervenes on our behalf to protect and deliver us from those who seek to destroy us. If need be, He will spread out His wings and carry us to a place of safety and instruction and will, in time, cause us to “ride in the heights of the earth” (Deuteronomy 32:13). So then, do not lose heart or give into despair because it seems you are as an abandoned child. He is encircling you, hovering over you and will, in the appointed time, lift you up and carry you to where He wants you to be.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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