Good Morning.
Then all the gifted artisans among them who worked on the tabernacle made ten curtains woven of fine linen, and of blue, purple, and scarlet thread; with artistic designs of cherubim they made them. (Exodus 36:8)
I have always found it interesting that the curtains of the Sanctuary, as well as the veil, were made from materials that were blue, scarlet and purple in color. But when you think about the purpose of the Sanctuary and the relationship those colors have with one another, it makes perfect sense. Of course, the Sanctuary’s purpose was to provide a sacred space for the Almighty to dwell among — the Hebrew word שכנתי sh’kanti literally means “dwell in” — His people. In short, the Sanctuary was where Heaven and earth came together.
No doubt to accentuate that point, the color of the curtains were prescribed as we see in the text. The blue, of course, was to symbolize heaven — that is, where God dwells. The red was to symbolize man, which is borne out by the fact the Hebrew word for man (אדם adam) and the word for red (אדום adum) are essentially the same. When these two colors are blended together, they are transformed into purple — the color that speaks of heaven and earth coming together.
From the beginning, this has been the Father’s desire and will — to commune with His beloved creation, mankind. So much was this desire that He sent His Word in a body of flesh in order to, once and for all, reconcile us to Him. And so it was, that on the day the “Word made flesh” was crucified, the veil that was blue, red and purple in color was rent in two from top to bottom, indicating that we who seek Him will always have access to Him. In other words, it is in Yeshua that heaven and earth are joined forever more.
Blessings and Shalom,
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