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The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. (Psalm 33:13-15)

When we consider that God looks upon us from Heaven, it translates in our mind that He is seated upon some distant Throne far removed from our world. Past the galaxies and stars, beyond the limits of the Universe, somewhere out there is Heaven where God dwells. And while I believe that there is real place we call Heaven — a place where the LORD is seated upon His Throne — we must remember that He is OmniPresent which means He is everywhere at once. As Solomon said, “Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You” (2 Chronicles 6:18). The point is, though He is above us so to speak, He is also with us.

As He looks upon mankind, not only does He observe our actions but He oversees and, when necessary, intervenes. When He created all things and then rested, that doesn’t mean He removed His hand from what goes on in the earth. He didn’t go away and leave it for man to run, at least not exclusively. Yes, we are stewards of His creation, charged with tending and keeping that which He has entrusted to us, but as the Creator, He continues to oversee that which He brought into being. In other words, He oversees His work whether it is the world at large or the individual. Let’s put it this way: the same God whose breath split the sea for Israel to walk through on dry land is the same God who involves Himself with my daily affairs. Again, God observes and oversees that which is His; He attends to every project He started, including you and me.

The same God who orchestrates the fate of nations gives us all His personal attention because, as the psalmist said, “He fashions their hearts individually.” And if He fashioned our hearts, it stands to reason that He alone understand them, even better than we do ourselves. The God who breathed the innumerable stars into existence also breathed the breath of life into all of us. In so doing, He made us unique individuals; just as no two snowflakes are the same, no two people are exactly the same, hence His attention to the individual. As it is written, “He considers all their works.” But let us consider this: we are the result of His work, and as new creations in Messiah, we are assured that He will finish what He started. As Paul said: “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Yeshua the Messiah” (Philippians 1:6).

Blessings and Shalom,  




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