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When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the wilderness of Sinai, He descended upon the mountain and said: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.”

He didn’t say, “I am the Lord your God who created the universe a few thousand years ago.” What’s the point? He is much more than the God who created the heavens and the earth; He’s the God of you and me. After He had created everything and stopped to rest, His interaction with the creation did not stop. He didn’t lose interest in the day-to-day activity on the planet because His power and influence is not limited to nature. Rather, His power and influence determines the destinies of individual men and mankind, at large. 

So then, since we cannot see Him visibly, how do we see Him working in the earth? It’s through His actions in the affairs of men and their day-to-day activities. Though the Exodus from Egypt unfolded on a national scale, His power and His influence affected the lives of many individuals, both Israeli and Egyptian. Likewise, though He may influence the course of nations, His actions are designed to affect the individual – people like you and me. Therefore, He didn’t say to Israel, “I’m the God who created the Universe thousands of years ago.” He told them just what He tells us today: “I’m the God who is doing something in your life right now.”

Yes, He created the vast universe with all of its complexities but, still, He is the Lord, my God, who brought us “out of Egypt” and delivered us from the house of bondage we were in. He relates to us through the things that happen in our life, not just through stories that happened thousands of years ago. He demonstrates His concern for us by affecting the everyday events that touch our existence and that of our families. He’s not just the God who did all of these wonderful things for others thousands of years ago, but He is a loving Creator sincerely interested in what happens to us. Remember that the next time He makes the time to speak to you directly in a way that only you could appreciate. That is our awesome God. 


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