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Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They have bowed down and fallen; but we have risen and stand upright. Save, Lord! May the King answer us when we call. (Psalm 20:7-9)

Through the ages, nations have depended upon financial and military might to thrive, to expand and to dominate. Security and power are almost always based on an ability to exert influence and control over others, especially those who stand in opposition. And so, the greatest powers through the ages have always placed their trust in massive, well equipped and seasoned armies. Not so with Israel — their security and power have always been dependent upon the God of Israel who, as Pharaoh discovered, is able to cast horse and rider into the sea.

We should also remember that, according to the Bible, strong nations not only possess massive fighting forces on earth, but are driven by strong principalities in the heavens. For example, Daniel was visited by an angel who described how the prince of Persia — a heavenly principality — had resisted him for three weeks. Only when the chief prince, Michael (Israel’s chief angel), came to help him was he able to break through. The point is, not only does God overthrow earthly armies but He also subdues forces in the heavens that war against God, His people and His purpose.

It is written, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12). That blessing can be manifested in different ways, one of them being that, it is not necessary or advised to depend solely on our own might, whether financial, political or military. He is our foundation, our strength and our covering.

Powerful nations have risen and fallen according to God’s Will; the mighty of today will also succumb to the weight of God’s purpose for Israel in the future when the Messiah, the King, rules from Jerusalem. In that day, all God’s people will stand upright, no longer under the oppressive rule of the nations but under the righteous hand of our King. And so, don’t put your trust in things that are destined to fall but in things eternal. If your trust is in Him, He will answer when you call. 

Blessings and Shalom,  




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