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The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. (Psalm 19:1-4)

Evolutionists would have us believe that all components of the Universe are slowly but constantly changing, some species even morphing into something other than what they originally were. I have this sense that the Creator of the Universe knew that His most beloved creation — and His most obnoxious and rebellious creation, man — would be seduced into thinking such. More importantly, He knew that man would corrupt his way upon the earth, taking a path not ordained by God because it leads to confusion, chaos and eventual destruction. I believe that, knowing this, He created the heavenly bodies and set them in the expanse of the sky so that we could observe that they don’t change course.

From the beginning, the stars have shone and the planets have orbited with flawless precision in obedience to their creator, thus testifying of His infinite wisdom and power. Though they speak not a word, they declare His glory in spite of the obstinance of those men who would deny Him what is rightfully His. And at the same time, those same men observe the magnitude of the heavens with wonder; they study the precipitation cycles evident in the firmament and understand that, without this cycle, life on this planet would not be possible. On every continent and in every nation, these things are made evident prompting those whose hearts have not been hardened with arrogance and deceit to realize there is a Creator who is worthy of our praise.

Each day the sun rises and each evening the sun sets. This unchanging order is easily observed and, consequently, can be expected to continue for as long as we inhabit this earth. According to David, these consistent patterns reveal knowledge — not just a familiarity of our world and its intricacies but of the One who created and designed all of this. And He, knowing that we would ignore His role in all this, knowing that we would corrupt our way upon the earth, set the heavenly bodies in their orbits and the stars in their courses. Without question or hesitation, they silently — and yet demonstratively — declare His majesty and glory. So then, as we observe the pathways of the celestial bodies, let us also consider our own path? If the stars obey Him, shouldn’t we?

Blessings and Shalom,  




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