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Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion. (Psalm 2:6)

In the beginning, when man first fell, the Creator declared that there would come a Redeemer, the Seed of the Woman, who would destroy the Adversary, his seed and their rebellion. Since that time, the Adversary has sought to disrupt, derail and destroy that declaration in any way he thought he could. Obviously, he could not dethrone the Almighty but he continually strives to topple His people, and consequently, dethrone His Anointed — the Messiah. Ultimately, that is the “vain thing” the kings of the earth plot; consciously or no, they have and continue trying to prevent the Messiah from taking His Throne.

As we discussed in the previous devotion, their plan is laughable to the Almighty and thus He replies, “Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” That is to say, it is a done deal — not that He intends to do that but that He has already established this as fact. At this point, we are merely waiting for what has already been determined to be manifest in the earth. Likewise, the Adversary has no choice but to wait for it to take place; it’s just that he fills his waiting time with futile attempts to stop it. Scripture tells us that, even though he is bent on making every other rebel uncomfortable at the prospects, he is well aware that “he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12).

As for us, we should rejoice at knowing the Adversary’s time is short because that means the time of our redemption is at hand. We acknowledge that, today, Messiah reigns in our heart but let’s not lose sight of the fact that He will reign over all the earth from His Throne in Zion. It is established and cannot be undone regardless of all the attempts to do so by those who have bought into Satan’s lie. The father of lies will not ascend into the Heaven and remove God from His Throne nor will he stop the return of the King. His Kingdom is established and the day is set when the kingdoms of this world will be toppled and become the kingdoms of our God and of His Messiah!

Blessings and Shalom,  




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