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There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:6-8)

It is fair to say that many who are in sin find it difficult to abandon their wickedness because they see no other path to success and profit — in short, they are held captive by their own desires. Perhaps as they look around them and see others engaged in evil, and seemingly profiting at it, they conclude that wickedness is the only way to get ahead in life. Maybe that is why they are inclined to ask the question, “Who will show us any good?” This might be the ancient way of expressing a mindset that is, unfortunately, prevalent in our culture today — “Honesty is for chumps.”

To that, David responds that the LORD is the One who can satisfy our needs, and in some cases, even our wants. The LORD, and He alone, is our source of peace, prosperity and protection. Sure, there are those who do wickedly and seem to prosper in their wickedness, but those who serve the LORD should not be led astray from the One who can bestow true happiness and blessing. This is why David says, “You have put gladness in my heart.” Perhaps some wicked people do prosper in their way — good for them; because if God allows the wicked to prosper, how much more will he cause those who love Him to prosper?

In the end, David encourages the servant of the Most High not to get caught up in all that the world seeks and focuses upon in regard to success and prosperity. Whatever our state, we can lie down and go to sleep knowing that the LORD causes us to rest in peace and safety. It doesn’t matter what our enemies may be planning for us, no matter how successful they seem to be, we can trust our Father in Heaven to watch over us, protect us and provide for our needs. The world may view us as naive and ridiculous; it doesn’t matter. What matters is what the LORD Almighty thinks of us, and so, let us stay true to His ways and may the light of His countenance shine down on all His chumps.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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