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I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around. (Psalm 3:5-6)

Some of you may remember a simple prayer taught to many of us by our parents that began with, “Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray the LORD my soul to keep.” For the most part, when I recited that bedtime prayer, my worries were relatively non-existent. Perhaps the greatest fear facing me in those years was the phantom hiding under the bed or the boogeyman lurking just outside my door. Those concerns were quickly dismissed by my parents as they proceeded to lead me in the evening’s prayer. As you have surmised, my concerns never amounted to anything.

Davids’ situation was very different; there was a legitimate threat pressing down upon him. A large force led by his own son were riding toward Jerusalem seeking to end his reign and his life. David knew his small force could not withstand the overwhelming odds and that is why he decided to leave Jerusalem by way of the Mount of Olives. Yet, even though he was under pressure, he paused on top of the mountain and prayed. Not only that, in the evening, he went to sleep confident that he would awake in the morning. His decision wasn’t foolhardy but a demonstration of his faith in the LORD; he knew that the LORD would keep him in the night.

Many are the worries and concerns we all must contend with day after day, and unfortunately, we allow these worries to rob us of needed sleep. Being deprived of sleep only complicates the matter further. Perhaps we should take a lesson from David; he had good reason to stay awake through the night, but instead, decided to place his life in the hands of His Master. Let’s face it — there are some things in life we can alter and there are many others that are beyond our control. So then, learn to place complete confidence in the LORD knowing that, at the end of the day, we can lay our head down to rest. While we sleep, the Shepherd and Guardian of Israel, who does not sleep or slumber, is continually watching over His people.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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