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Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed. (Psalm 2:1)

There are some Jewish commentators who believe that Psalm 1 & 2 are one Psalm because they address a common message: the blessings bestowed upon the righteous and the disaster that awaits the wicked. Yet, there is the age old question: “Why do the wicked prosper?” The answer is that their “success” (if you want to call it that) is short lived, hence the question presented above — “Why do the people of the world bother to plot a vain thing?”

The Hebrew word translated as vain means “empty” indicating that, for all their uproar and commotion, their threats and accusations against God and His people have no substance and will serve no enduring purpose. The worst that they can do is make life uncomfortable for a season. Nevertheless, they take their stand in defiance of the Most High and plot and scheme against His people. And it is not just against His people that they secretly seek to destroy; they are determined to resist and oppose “His Anointed” — in other words, the Messiah.

All the kings and kingdoms that have come and gone, as well as those now in existence, try their best to resist the Kingdom of God and our Messiah. All the activity of the Adversary we see presently, and even that which is predicted in Revelation and other prophetic books, is an ill-fated attempt to stop what is inevitable — the reign of Messiah over all the earth. Let us keep this in mind as we endure the attacks and schemes of our enemy — their success has a definite termination point and, in my view, it is soon to come. Remember, the wicked man are like chaff — carried away by the wind of God’s judgment. But the blessed man is like a tree planted by streams of water; he will produce abundant fruit and prosper and his leaf will not wither even in times of distress and difficulty. Keep the faith.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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