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But since then there has not arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. (Deuteronomy 34:10)

That God knew Moses “face to face,” not only emphasizes the importance and sanctity of what he recorded for posterity, but suggests that Moses likely saw things that no other prophet saw — or will ever see. It stretches the brain to even consider what he encountered during his extended stays atop Mount Sinai seeing that upon his descent a veil had to be placed over his face. It also boggles the mind to think that Moses was permitted to speak to God almost at will, or say the rabbis.

Other than the Messiah, one is hard-pressed to think of another person who has influenced societies and nations more than Moses. Simply stated, he was a great leader albeit not a perfect one — that distinction is set aside for Messiah. Still, his relationship with the Almighty was such that, if he made a dramatic decision it was most often ratified by Heaven. For instance, Moses shattered the tablets of the Law, written by the finger of God, in sight of Israel and was not rebuked — it was the behavior of the people that was rebuked. There is not even a hint of a rebuke when the decision was made to impose the death penalty upon the guilty.

No matter the era or environment, good leaders must be ready to do what is right even if everyone else is doing wrong. That means they must be prepared to make dramatic decisions when the occasion calls for it, even if it means shattering everyone’s expectations in deference to what is right for the situation. Can you imagine what would have happened if Abraham had first consulted with Sarah before taking Isaac to Mount Moriah? The story might have turned out much differently, and not in the right way. And so my point is that it really pays to have a close relationship with the Creator, and especially if we find ourselves in some type of leadership position.

To be deliberate and decisive, as a leader, is one thing but to act with the knowledge that Heaven has your back is quite another. You and I may not speak to God face to face but, through the Messiah, we most certainly have access to the Heavenly Throne and the wisdom that is to be found there. In whatever role we serve the Kingdom, may we always act with Godly wisdom and in a way that honors our King.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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