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Asher is most blessed of sons; let him be favored by his brothers, and let him dip his foot in oil. (Deuteronomy 33:24)

When Asher, whose name means “happy,” was born Leah said she was very fortunate to have been blessed with another son (Gen. 30:13). That is why she called him Asher; it was an expression of her contentment at that time. That is important, I believe, because words and especially names mean things and have bearing on who and what we are. For instance, we’ve discussed the meaning of the name Judah and how the meaning of the name was expressed in that tribes’s purpose. The same is true for Asher — it was to be a tribe that demonstrated happiness and contentment.

It certainly didn’t hurt that this tribe was to enjoy exceptional prosperity. Moses’ prediction that Asher would “dip his feet in oil” has been considered a metaphor for incredible wealth. According to Jewish tradition, olive trees were in great abundance in Asher’s territory. In recent years, there have been expeditions in what was Asher’s territory to discover whether or not petroleum is to be found. Whatever is meant by the statement, it is clear that Asher’s abundance would be pleasing to his brethren, implying that the source of Asher’s “happiness” would benefit his countrymen.

To be truly happy is a great blessing. Greater still is the ability to find happiness without the stimulus of wealth or comfort. I say that because, unfortunately, many of God’s people choose not to be happy because their current circumstances are not to their liking. My point is happiness should not be predicated on whether or not we have plenty of money and things; far too many millionaires are miserable creatures. True happiness comes from those things that God places value on, which to say, things that have eternal value. Those that find happiness in these things, even in the midst of suffering, have dipped their feet in oil. To be happy in the LORD is to find real treasure, and in finding it, we are able to be a blessing to others. And so it is written: “Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!” (Psalm 144:15).

Blessings and Shalom,  




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