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The Lord came from Sinai ….  From His right hand came a fiery law for them. (Deuteronomy 33:2)

As far as the revelation given to Israel in regards to their call as a nation, Mount Sinai was the starting point. It was here that precepts and principles, practiced by their forebears, were codified into covenantal law. It was also at Sinai where Israel, upon enthusiastically agreeing to follow His instructions, was affirmed by the Creator as “His people.” There is yet another revelation given to us in this verse; according to Moses, it was “His right hand” that gave these instructions to Israel from Sinai.

The usage of the term “right hand” suggests power and authority. Therefore, Moses means to say that God, being all powerful, is the only One who has the authority to determine what is right and wrong and that, as His people, Israel was to submit themselves to His authority. That it was described as “a fiery law” alludes to the demonstration of that power witnessed by all of the people standing at the foot of the mountain on the day that God “descended upon it in fire” (Exodus 19:18). In other words, He impressed upon them that He indeed was all powerful.

All of this is important to consider, but I want to suggest that there is still more revelation embedded within Moses’ words, namely this — “His right hand” hints at the Messiah. According to Scripture, Yeshua is “seated” or positioned at the right hand of the Father. By the Spirit, David wrote, “The LORD said to my LORD, sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool?” (Psalm 110:1). As he lay dying, Stephen gazed into heaven and said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” (Acts 7:55). Even Yeshua spoke of Himself in this regard saying, “the Son of Man will sit on the right hand of the power of God” (Luke 22:69).

The point is that when Israel met God at Sinai, the Messiah was there. Perhaps He was not as recognizable to Israel as He was to His twelve disciples when He walked the earth, but He was there. In fact, He was the One who gave Israel “a fiery law” with all of its precepts and principles. This should come as no surprise to us seeing that John described Him as the “Word made flesh.” And so then, as His followers, we should not interpret His words as mere suggestions; they are instructions from the Highest Authority. What He directs us to do we should obey with enthusiasm — not because we have no choice. Let us obey Him because we desire to please Him fulfilling what is written: “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).

Blessings and Shalom,  




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