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So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And He buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth Peor; but no one knows his grave to this day. (Deuteronomy 34:5-6)

For forty years, the people of Israel knew only one leader. Though they often challenged his authority and pushed his patience to the limit, he was a fixture in their life. And so Moses’ death, no doubt, left the people with a great sense of loss and signaled that a dramatic change had come. Consequently, it is surmised that God buried Moses in an undisclosed location so that the grave would not become a shrine or the object of a pilgrimage. Therefore, God made sure that Moses would remain “concealed” to this very day.

Though his resting place remains a mystery, the man Moses is still revered and “enshrined” to some degree, and especially in Judaism. Known as Moshe rebbenu — “Moses, our teacher” — Jews esteem him as the greatest of all leaders because it was through him that God gave the Torah to Israel. But as important as Moses was to God’s people, even he acknowledged that there was one coming who was greater than he — the Messiah. In fact, it is the Messiah of whom the Torah speaks and whom Moses teaches us about (John 5:46). Unfortunately, His identity remains hidden for many because, “even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart” (2 Corinthians 3:15). So in that regard, you might say that Moses (the Torah), like his grave, remains “hidden” from Israel.

Interestingly enough, we cannot be certain of where the Messiah was buried either. There are various opinions and traditions about where Yeshua was placed after His execution, but no one can be absolutely sure. What is important though is this: regardless of where His body was placed, it is no longer in the grave — He is risen and alive, a fact that is borne out by the writings of Moses. On the day of His resurrection, in fact, Messiah encountered two of His followers who were making their way to Emmaus. As they discussed the dramatic events of the day, “their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him” (Luke 24:16). Nevertheless, as He expounded to them all that was written about the Messiah, “beginning at Moses,” their hearts burned within them. As the Word of God was revealed to them, “their eyes were opened and they knew Him” (Luke 24:31).

Moses’ final resting place may still be a mystery but the One of whom He wrote and taught about — the Messiah — doesn’t have to remain so. To all who have a heart to search for Him and allow the Word of God to penetrate their heart, He is revealed. As He said, the Scriptures testify of Him (John 5:39). May we all continue to open our hearts and allow the Word of God, which is alive and active, to work in us to the degree that the resurrected Messiah is revealed through us.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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