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Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. (Deuteronomy 32:1)

Thus begins the song of which Moses spoke of in the preceding chapter. As I have already mentioned, it is a song that summarizes Israel’s history from Egypt to the borders of Canaan often emphasizing their rebellion. The song presents Israel as the disobedient prodigal son, and God as the loving Father. Thus Israel’s infidelity and ingratitude is contrasted with God’s faithfulness, consequently, giving Israel hope for the future —  hope for her own redemption and the defeat of her enemies.

So then, at the very beginning of this prophetic song, Moses calls heaven and earth — that which is eternal — to bear witness to what he said. His wording should not be considered as hyperbole, but that he means to say, heaven and earth “heard” these prophetic utterances. When someone inspired by the Spirit of God speaks the word God has put in their mouth, obviously, those words are empowered by One who created heaven and earth. Why then should we think that His Creation would not hear and bear witness to what He speaks through His servants? Did not the sun stand still at Joshua’s command? As eternal witnesses, the heaven and earth have long outlived Moses and those he was speaking to at the time.

In other words, God has witnesses that were present then and now; witnesses that would speak to future generations words that could not be denied. And so, heaven and earth are used by God to rebuke those who are disobedient and to provoke to repentance those who have ears to hear what they bear witness to. Some times the heavens withhold rain or present cosmic signs and omens; at times the earth withholds its produce or shakes beneath man’s feet. All is intended to remind His people not to forsake His ways. As Paul said, “The whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now” (Romans 8:22).

If Creation is groaning and bearing witness to the will of its Creator, let us be careful not to turn a deaf ear for we, too, are His creation. So, let’s be attentive to what these eternal witnesses are saying in this hour and, in my view, it boils down to something else Paul wrote: “It is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).

Blessings and Shalom,  




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