It was on this day that Israeli commandoes launched a spectacular and daring raid to free about 100 Jewish hostages being held at Entebbe airport in Uganda. It just so happens that, on this same day, the United States was celebrating its bicentennial (July 4, 1976). While America was celebrating its independence, Jewish soldiers were liberating their fellow citizens from captivity demonstrating, once again, the special connection that’s exists between America and Israel. I have long believed that the two countries are unique among the nations of the world.
So many miracles have occurred in the history of Israel, not just in biblical days, but in the modern era, as well. Likewise, there have been many miracles that have occurred in the history of America, not just in colonial times, but in our time as well. On the flip side of that, when Israel has walked in disobedience, God allowed certain unpleasant things to happen. It stands to reason that the same is true for America; if we continue to walk in disobedience, God might allow tragic things to happen in order to provoke us to repentance.
Unfortunately, America’s morals continue to degenerate and a large segment of our society disdain the founding principles that gave birth to this nation. We have, time and again, turned our back on God and, consequently, are slowly being transformed into something many Americans can’t recognize. If America continues on this road to the point that we can’t recognize our country any more, what will we do? Where will we go? Who will I identify with at that point if I can’t identify with this different America?
This question reminds me of an exchange that took place in the Gospel of John. Yeshua had said some things that offended some of His followers who walked off and left. Then He said to the twelve:
“Do you also want to go away?” But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (John 6:67-69)
So, in regard to what is happening to the world and in our country, many are grappling with the issue of “What can I do?” or “Who can I identify with?” The answer is, we must turn to our Creator for guidance and wisdom to know what to do. We can be confident that the Messiah has the words of life and, therefore, we should keep our eyes on Him and our ears tuned to His voice. Regardless of what’s going on around us, if we keep our focus upon Him, He will lead us through any and every situation.
That’s my prayer for us, today; that we would know His will and hear His voice. If we remain faithful to that objective, we can expect that there will be miracles in our life. We can expect that bondages will be broken and that we will be set free and delivered from anything that would keep us from His will. May His will on this earth be done today in all of us.
I pray that prayer everyday that people will just stop and listen to that knock on the door.
Miracles happen everyday we just don’t see them. A child is born. Someone stops to tie their shoe as a vehicle speeds by.
You realize you forgot something and stop your car and run into the house and just within matter of seconds a tree falls onto the place where you would have been. A simple good morning to a stranger may have stopped what would have been had not that stranger said those words. I do not believe in coincidence. I believe in miracles though ever so slight they may seem. They happen all the time we just don’t see them.
Stop, look and listen and you will see our Father at work all around even in times like now. He is here knocking on closed doors.
We as his children have more power than we believe.
A simple phone call to see how someone is doing or that hug that was well needed holds more power than we realize.
Imagine what we as Abbas children can do together as a whole . I pray that we realize our own power that we have as his children. May Abba bless you all.