Good Morning.
You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you. (Leviticus 19:19)
Today, let’s look at another aspect of these “forbidden mixtures,” especially the instruction about mingling different seed in the same field. To begin with, in the Parable of the Sower, Yeshua teaches of seed being sown that lands in different types of ground — the roadside, rocky soil, ground infested with weeds, and good soil. Of course, the seed in good soil is what produces the fruit the lasts and that is why we tend to focus on the soil types. However, we must acknowledge what tends to get overlooked — there is only one type of seed being sown in this parable. How do we know that? Because He tells us that the seed is the Word of God and there is only One Word of God. Consequently, there is only one good seed.
Furthermore, Yeshua tells us that this parable is the basis for understanding all other parables (Mark 4:13). So, the foundational principle presented here — there is only one Good Seed — is the key to understanding the message implied in other parables, such as the Parable of the Wheat and Tares. That parable begins with, “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field…(Matthew 13:24). If He sowed “good seed,” the hint is that the Word of God is being sown in the field, which by the way, is the world. Later His enemy, and ours, comes and “sowed tares among the wheat,” meaning that Satan sowed a different kind of seed (a different word) in the same field where the good seed had been sown.
I hope that you see the connection to the passage from Leviticus. Through an instruction that has caused people to scratch their heads in wonder, God is teaching us a very important principle that Messiah elaborated upon centuries after Moses penned those words. In the parable, God wanted His field to be sown with good seed only. That good seed produced wheat which represented the “sons of the Kingdom” while the tares represented the “sons of the wicked one.” God’s enemy, Satan, sought to sabotage His plan by sowing something different and detrimental to the wheat. In other words, the tares were sown in order to disrupt and “restrain” the wheat’s growth and, consequently, God’s intent.
So what does this mean to us? We must be careful not to allow “another word” to be sown in our hearts and minds. God’s Word is the only Word — all others are counterfeit and detrimental to our spiritual growth. Therefore, we are commanded not to sow different kinds of seed in the same field (remember we were created from the dust of the earth), meaning we are not to mix the philosophies and ideologies that man has generated with what is true — the Word of God. By allowing the wisdom of man to undermine the work of God’s Word, we give the tares opportunity to steal, kill and destroy. Rather, let us strive to be “good ground” that is exclusively receptive to the the Good Seed that we may prosper and produce the fruit that brings glory unto our Father in Heaven.
Blessings and Shalom,
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