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Good Morning.

You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you. (Leviticus 19:19)

There are several rabbinic writers who say these seemingly disconnected instructions — and others like them — are understood to be commands whose meaning is not obvious to most. One rabbinic commentator, Rashi, said that the reason for these commands is simply not known. Even today, we might scratch our heads and wonder what different seeds planted in a field have to do with clothing made from two different materials. But let us concede that, just because something doesn’t make sense to us, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make sense — seeing that the Author of these instructions is all-knowing.

So let us consider that, though there might be a logical reason for these commands, there is likely a beneficial spiritual principle embedded within these laws regarding forbidden mixtures. In Hebrew, this is known as כלאים kil’ayim, a word stemming from a root that means “to restrain or imprison.” When we mix things together that were never intended to be blended, something occurs whereby God’s purpose is restrained or, in some extremes, imprisoned. How could that be seeing that He is all-powerful? Consider what Yeshua said about the traditions of men —  they make “the commandment of God of no effect” (Matthew 15:6). In other words, man’s traditions prevent (restrain) the Word from doing what it is intended to do.

When we mix what is holy with those things God has said are unclean, we undermine His authority and, potentially, imprison His purpose. This is a principle that goes back to the beginning of time because it was the fruit of a mixed tree — Good AND Evil — that brought about the fall of man and the disruption to God’s purpose. Thankfully, the Messiah has reconciled us unto God, nevertheless, we must not mingle the Good Seed (The Word) with other seed, that is, the faulty ideologies and philosophies of man. We have the responsibility to keep holy what is holy and not mingle with those things that are unclean and detrimental to God’s purpose. In short, this is what Paul meant when he said, “Don’t be unequally yoked.” So it would seem, there is much more to these Old Testament laws than we have heretofore imagined?

Blessings and Shalom,  




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