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Good Morning.

Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people. (Exodus 33:13)

Imagine being told that you are going to lead millions of people through a desert and into a land none of them have ever seen. The way will be fraught with trials and potential dangers and will bring out the best and worst in many. Such a task would seem monumental under the best of circumstances but then, because of their bad choices, you are faced with leading this same group of people without the Presence of the One who called you to do this in the first place. This is the scenario Moses was facing and so his appeal to God is understandable: “If I am going to lead this people, please show me the way.”

That phrase, “Show me your ways” is literally, “make me to know.” How can he do this unless God shows Him how it is to be done? How can Moses be expected to deal with these people if God can’t? It is at this point in the appeal that Moses “reminds” God that these are “Your people” and that the nations are watching to see what becomes of them.  How can anyone expect this to end well unless God’s Presence goes with them? And so Moses takes the position that, “If You are not going to go with us, we need to stay right here.”

When you consider that Moses was saying this to the Creator of the Universe, –respectfully yes, but also boldly — it is quite impressive and inspiring. That God relents and agrees to go with the people demonstrates the power of intercession when initiated by a righteous man or woman. But also take note of the fact that Moses, one of God’s greatest servants in the history of the world, acknowledged that “I can’t do what You’ve called me to do if You don’t show me the way.”

Talent, gifting and charisma are great characteristics to possess if one is going to lead people but, when it comes to God’s purposes, these things are not enough. Moses had been trained in the house of Pharaoh to be a leader of men but nothing could adequately prepare him for what God had called him to do. Only wisdom from on High could help him fulfill the task God had given to him to perform. Though very few of us are called to do anything remotely close to what was expected of Moses, the reality is we still need that same kind of wisdom. Whether it is leading a ministry, a congregation or a family, all of us need to see the path He wishes us to take. We all need to understand His ways that we might know Him more intimately and, consequently, successfully fulfill our purpose. As it was with Moses, let us resolve that, without His Presence with us, we don’t need to go anywhere or do anything. May His Presence always abide with us.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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