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Good Morning.

And you shall take some of the blood that is on the altar, and some of the anointing oil, and sprinkle it on Aaron and on his garments, on his sons and on the garments of his sons with him; and he and his garments shall be hallowed (Exodus 29:21)

In consideration of the fact that much care had to be taken when the priests entered God’s Presence, it is somewhat strange that the immaculate garments, designed for beauty and glory, had to be sprinkled with blood. In other words, the priests were required to wash their hands and feet at the laver before they could enter the Temple. They had to be careful not to touch anything that could defile them before they came into the Temple. Yet, in order that the garments they wore be considered holy, blood had to be sprinkled upon them, obviously, spotting them with a dark reddish brown stain.

If you will recall, the Hebrew word for “garments” is related to the word for faithlessness, most likely because we are to be reminded that Adam’s first suit of clothes was to cover the shame of his sin. That means that an innocent creature had to shed its blood and die so that Adam’s nakedness could be covered. So then, blood sanctified the garments of the High Priest so that he could stand holy before the LORD. Furthermore, no where else in Scripture do we see that the garments had to be sprinkled with blood again. It would seem that, once consecrated, these garments remained holy unto the LORD and were passed down to the other High Priests in succession.

As for us, we know that our heavenly High Priest has entered once into the Holy Place and has made atonement for our sin with His own blood. There is no further need of sacrifice because, for all time, His blood remains upon the Heavenly Mercy Seat. Furthermore, because He has atoned for our sin, we can stand blameless before the LORD. In exchange for the sin stained garments we once wore, we have been given holy garments that identifies us as His priests. Therefore, it is our duty to keep our garments clean and untainted by the world that we may continue to stand before Him guiltless. So then, let us never take for granted what the Messiah has accomplished on our behalf but continually give thanks and commit ourselves to keeping our robes white.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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