Good Morning.
And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the Lord. So Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel over his heart before the Lord continually. (Exodus 28:30)
When Peter refers to believers as a “peculiar people” (1 Peter 2:9 KJV), the Greek term is equivalent to the Hebrew word סגלה segulah. Because we are regarded as precious stones, we should function in similar manner meaning that we should sparkle and shine — we should reflect His light in our lives for all to see and be drawn to. This is especially interesting considering that the אורים urim and תמים tummim were associated with the breastplate.
The breastplate was foursquare and folded end to end to make somewhat of a pouch. Jewish tradition teaches that urim and thummim was concealed within that pouch next to the heart of the High Priest. No one seems to know what it was exactly but we do have an idea of its function — it was to provide illumination and insight. In fact, the words urim and thummim mean “lights and perfections,” or if you will, “perfect light.” Obviously, the only perfect light is the source of light itself, the Creator of all things. Nevertheless, He has commissioned His people to be the light in this world and He has called us to “perfection” (Matthew 5:48). We can accomplish this task when we set our face toward His and reflect the light of His countenance.
Though there is none among us who are perfect, through Him we are being perfected. Like diamonds in the rough, He takes us in our imperfection and transforms us into something beautiful and useful. As a result of that process, we grow more insightful as it relates to His ways, and through interaction with others, share the light that has come into our lives. Perhaps it is important that the Bible doesn’t specify just what the urim and thummim was because that wasn’t as important as understanding what it accomplished. Likewise, as His servants, it’s not really important that people know who we are; its more important that they see what we are. Let’s make sure to function in our purpose and be the perfect light He has called us to be.
Blessings and Shalom,
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